Working with Assignments > Using the Assignment Ready Page

Using the Assignment Ready Page

The Assignment Ready page informs you of which assignment is selected to load. It also provides information on how many times you have taken the assignment, when it is due, how many more times you may take it, how much time you have left to finish the assignment, how to avoid submitting your assignment unintentionally, and any other special conditions set up by your instructor. Also see Taking Homework or Test Assignments for steps to ensure you get full credit for your work.

There is a chance you may not see all of this information. Your instructor has the option to modify which links are displayed, or some options may not apply to your assignment.

Click the Start Assignment Now button when you are ready to begin your assignment, or click Cancel to exit and return to the Assignments overview page. (The start button may have a slightly different label depending on the assignment type and status.)

Note: If your computer loses its connection to the server during the assignment, you can continue taking it as long as you come back to the assignment within a few minutes.


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