Setup and Troubleshooting > Macintosh > Safari Setup for Macs

Safari Setup for Macs

Safari is the browser that comes with the Macintosh OSX operating system (OS). CengageNOWv2 supports Safari 9.0 or greater. To check your system's version of Safari, select Safari in the menu bar and click About Safari.

The only setup required for Safari is to ensure that you enable both cookies and pop-ups. Instructions for Safari 9.0 shown below.

Safari Setup Topics

Allowing Cookies in Safari

CengageNOWv2 uses cookies to track your school name and preferences, among other things. Here's how to enable them in Safari 9.0.

To enable cookies in Safari
  1. 1. With the Safari browser open, go to the Safari menu and select Preferences.
  2. 2. Click the Privacy icon.
  3. 3. For Cookies and website data, select Always allow.

Allowing Pop-ups in Safari

CengageNOWv2 uses pop-up windows to display error messages and Help. Here's how to enable them in Safari 9.0.

To enable pop-ups in Safari
  1. 1. With the Safari browser open, go to the Safari menu and select Preferences.
  2. 2. Click the Security tab.
  3. 3. Be sure Block pop-up windows is not selected.

  4. Note: There are many third-party pop-up blockers (Google, Yahoo!, etc.) available for internet browsers. If you are using any of these, consult their directions for instructions on allowing pop-ups.

Clearing the Cache and Cookies in Safari

If you ever start seeing errors in CengageNOWv2, a good first troubleshooting step is to empty your Safari browser cache and remove any cookies. Here's how to enable them in Safari 9.0.

Note: You will need to reselect your school the next time you sign in.

To clear cookies and cache in Safari
  1. 1. With the Safari browser open, go to the Safari menu.
  2. 2. Click Preferences and select the Privacy tab.
  3. 3. Click Details.
  4. 4. Select one or more websites that store cookies, and then click Remove or Remove All Website Data.
  5. 5. Click Remove Now in the pop-up window.

Enabling JavaScript in Safari

CengageNOWv2 requires JavaScript for many of its functions. If you get a JavaScript failure in the System Check, you may need to update your browser software. However, it may be that you simply need to enable JavaScript in your browser before starting CNOWv2. (Instructions for Safari 9.0 shown below.)

To enable JavaScript in Safari
  1. 1. With the Safari browser open, go to the Safari menu and select Preferences.
  2. 2. Select the Security icon.
  3. 3. Select Enable JavaScript.


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