Working with Assignments > Using the Assignments Page > Assignment Table Overview
Assignment Table Overview
The assignment table contains the information and actions needed to manage your CengageNOWv2 assignments.
To sort by any of the categories on the assignments table, just click the appropriate column heading. The heading is highlighted and an arrow icon appears next to the heading name. To reverse the sort order (ascending/descending), click the heading again.
View Files from Your InstructorWhen available, clicking the View Files from Your Instructor button opens the Uploaded Files page. From here you can download any of the course files your instructor has made available from within CengageNOWv2. Click the adjacent arrow icon to download the file onto your computer.
Note: When there are no files to download, the View Files from Your Instructor button is hidden.
CourseDisplays the name of the current course.
AssignmentThe assignment name.
Date DueThe last day you can submit an assignment for full credit.
If an assignment is displayed past its Date Due when you are using the Assignments I Can Take Now view, your instructor has allowed it to be available for a few extra days. You can submit the assignment late, but probably with a penalty.
Grading CategoryHere you can see the grading category for a particular assignment. If an assignment is placed in a grading category, the category determines how much impact your grade in a particular assignment can have on your total grade.
Any grading categories and how they are weighted are established by your instructor. This column appears only when your instructor enables grading categories.
Assignments Page CommandsUse the buttons and links in the Actions column to manage your assignments. The availability of the particular action or information depends on the assignment's type, its current status, and the settings chosen by your instructor.
Begin taking a graded assignment for the first time.
Begin taking an ungraded assignment.
Continues an assignment started previously and then saved in progress. (Not all assignments can be saved and resumed.)
Retake an assignment you've previously completed.
Not Available. Indicates an assignment with a prerequisite you have not yet met. You can only see this information if you have selected the option to view All My Assignments.
Note: Some assignments may have a prerequisite requiring you to get a certain score on another assignment. Depending on your instructor's settings, it is possible for this assignment to become Not Available again if you do poorly on a retake.
Available on:. Displays the date when the assignment becomes available. You can only see this information if you have selected the option to view All My Assignments and you have assignments that are not yet available to take.
Print blank assignment.
This option, when available, allows you to work through the assignment on paper before entering answers online.
If a password is required for an assignment, this text box appears. To take the assignment, type in the password given by your instructor and press the Enter key.
Enter content access code.
If this link appears, you need to register an Access Code with Cengage before gaining access to the online book content required for your assignment.
Closed. The "Closed" message means you can no longer take an assignment. Perhaps you have already taken it as many times as allowed, its unavailable date has passed, or a late penalty may be applied that would lower your current score. Also, your instructor may have graded it already and a late penalty would lower your current score.
# of SubmissionsHere you can see how many times you've submitted an assignment. Not all assignments permit multiple attempts.
# of Submissions AllowedHere you can see how many more times you can submit an assignment. However, not all assignments permit multiple attempts.
Time AllowedHere you can see how much time your instructor is allowing to take an assignment, or if your time is unlimited.
ScoreFor completed assignments, this column shows your assignment results, if scores are made viewable by your instructor. This can display your current score as a percentage, a Pass/Fail status, or time spent on a Reading assignment. If you have not yet taken an assignment, the Score column will display not accessed.
When available, you can see related feedback on a completed assignment by clicking a score with an active link to open the View Assignment Results page. See Using the View Assignment Results Page for more information.
Note: The availability of your assignment results can depend on the status of questions that require manual grading or how your instructor set up the assignment options.
NotesIn this column you can see any instructor comments, information on the status of your score, any available extra credit, any prerequisite, and how your grade is calculated (when you have the option for multiple takes).
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