Working with Assignments > Taking Adaptive Study Plans Assignments
Taking Adaptive Study Plans Assignments
Adaptive Study Plans (ASP) assignments provide you with the means to build a knowledge base in fundamental concepts for your course. As you work through the assignment, areas where you need improvement are identified, then you are led through steps to help you achieve mastery of the topic.
By default, Adaptive Study Plans can be taken as many times as desired with no overwriting, however, your instructor can set an option to limit the number of Quiz takes. When your Quiz takes are limited, you are notified on the Assignment Ready page before you begin your take.
Your assignment score is based on the running score of the current ASP quiz, also taking the Quiz helps you identify those topics requiring additional study.
Note: While taking an ASP assignment, your work is automatically saved at short intervals. You may see a warning message, if for some reason the save process fails. Once the system successfully saves your work, the warning message will disappear (or press ESC to remove the message yourself).
To take an Adaptive Study Plans assignment
ASP assignments provide you with only one take. However, you are allowed to save your work and resume your take at a later time.
- 1. Click the Assignments link, if necessary, to open the Assignments page.
Note: You can also access assigned ASP content from your Study Tools page by clicking either Take Assignment or Resume Assignment.
- 2. If necessary, click Assignments I Can Take Now to display your available assignments.
Note: Use the tools on the Assignments page to display your course assignments in the most useful way. See Using the Assignments Page for details.
- 3. Begin your assignment by clicking an option in the Actions column.
Begin taking a graded assignment for the first time.
Begin taking an ungraded assignment for review. Depending on your instructors settings, this can also be an assignment you completed for a grade.
Continues an assignment started previously and saved in progress. (Not all assignments can be saved and resumed.)
The Assignment Ready page opens. Review this page for conditions that apply to your assignment (such as the number of quiz takes you're allowed) and tips to avoid unintentionally submitting your assignment.
- 4. Click Start Assignment Now on the Assignment Ready page to begin. (Link and/or button names may vary slightly, depending on your book's title, edition, or subject matter.)
You can also click the Cancel button to exit without starting the assignment. If you cancel at this point, your take is not counted.
- 5. Begin studying by expanding a row on the Study tab and clicking a link to any of the Activities.
You can work through ASP assignments in any order, however, it is recommended that you start with the available objectives if you are limited on quiz takes.
Note: When resuming an assignment you saved in progress, you are returned to the step when you clicked Save and Exit.
- 6. Click the Take a Quiz or Take Another Quiz button to test your knowledge of objective topics.
Note: You may see a warning if you have a limit on the number of quiz takes. If you are limited to one or two takes, you may want to complete the assignment's objectives before taking the quiz.
- 7. Move through the quiz questions by using the Previous and Next buttons.
- 8. Clicking the grid icon adjacent to the Next button opens a menu of corresponding numbers you can use to go directly to a specific question. When the grid is expanded, the current question is highlighted.
- 9. Click the Submit & Review Quiz button when all the quiz questions are answered.
The page refreshes to display the Objective Scores and Item Results for your completed Quiz. You can return to this page later by clicking Review Quiz Results.
- 10. Clicking a section name in the Objective Scores column on the left highlights the corresponding questions in the Item Results pane.
- 11. Clicking an individual item on the right expands the entry and displays the question content for review.
You can control how many items are displayed by toggling between the controls for choosing Highlight Selected (allows you to highlight questions associated with specific sections) and then Hide Others (displays only those questions that are highlighted).
- 12. Click the Study tab or the See Suggested Study Plan button to see the specific topics and chapter sections suggested for review.
- 13. (Optional) Use the Progress bar for a quick overview of sections suggested for review (grey), completed (blue), or passed (green). Each section of the bar is a link you can click to open the corresponding content in the Activities pane.
- 14. Compare your progress over multiple takes by clicking the View Progress tab and choosing a graph style. You can select from a Grouped bar graph, a Stacked bar graph, or a Line graph. By mousing over the provided graph you can see an overlay with specific information for each quiz take.
- 15. (Optional) Click Save and Exit for the activity to resume the assignment at a later time.
- 16. When the assignment is completed to your satisfaction, click the Submit Assignment for Grading button.
Note: Once your ASP assignment is submitted, you cannot take it again.
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