Working with Assignments > Using the View Assignment Results Page

Using the View Assignment Results Page

After you submit an assignment for grading, you may have the option to view details for your take(s) on the View Assignment Results page. From this page you can review assignment data and individual item content for up to the first 20 takes (when multiple takes are allowed).

Your instructor controls whether you have access to this page and how much time must pass before it becomes available. Also, the type of information displayed is determined by your instructor's settings and the type of assignment being viewed.

When available, you can access the View Assignment Results page from several areas in CNOWv2:

The information you see depends on your assignment type and how your instructor has set the assignment options. Nearly all of the following information is viewable in the top section of your View Assignments Results page.

Note: Take information for Reading and External assignments is not available.

The display window at the bottom of the page is dependent on the assignment type you are reviewing.

For Homework and Test assignments you can see your assignment content, your responses, score, and comments from your instructor.

Take Structure

Select either specific items or the assignment as a whole. Your selection here determines the information displayed on the page.

Click a question number/name to see a copy of that item's content, your response, the score, and any feedback. The selected item is also displayed in the Selected Item Attempt Preview pane.

Click the assignment name to see an interactive copy of the assignment, your responses for each item, the scores, and any feedback in the Selected Item Attempt Preview pane.

If your instructor edited a score, an adjacent pencil icon appears. If your instructor gave full credit for a specific Homework or Test question, a green check mark icon appears next to the score.

Note: Assignments and individual items that are In Progress will display a score of '0'.

Selected Item Attempt Preview

Displays the content of the selection made in the Take Structure pane. If the entire assignment is selected, you can navigate through the items by clicking the Previous and Next buttons. If your instructor gave full credit for a specific Homework or Test question, a check mark appears next to the score. When available, feedback is also displayed.

Preview In Window

Click this button to see a full screen view of the selected Homework or Test question in a new browser window. This view also allows you to navigate through all the assignment's questions. The preview window will remain open until you close it manually or navigate elsewhere from the View Assignment Results page.

Large Preview

Click this button to see an expanded view of the selected Homework or Test question. Click Small Preview to return to the original view.

Selected Item Grade Details

Displays the Final Score, which is the score that applies to your grade, and the Attempt Score, which is the score you earned from the take.


Provides any additional information supplied by your instructor. Comments may reflect edits, full credit changes, or manual grading done by your instructor.

For ASP assignments the review pane opens to display your Latest Quiz Result (even when saved in progress), your Study Plan Report, and a selection of Graphs. Click the arrow icons to expand each category to make a selection as described below.

Latest Quiz Result

Expand the menu to see the scores for each item from your most recent Quiz take. Expand an Item to see the question content, your response, and any feedback.

Study Plan Report

Expand to see the Status, Score and Times Taken for each of the objectives in the assignment.


Expand and select from Grouped, Stacked, or Line graphs to see a comparison of the score results from your previous takes.

Once you have completed your review, if there are any additional Takes(#) you can choose to view them or you can return to the previous page by clicking the Done button.


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