Setup and Troubleshooting > Windows > Using a Second Browser for CengageNOWv2

Using a Second Browser for CengageNOWv2

If you have a Windows system set up to use a custom browser, you may need to install a second browser for when you're working CengageNOWv2.

Custom browsers (for example, those browsers available through AOL and MSN Explorer) and customized versions of IE (those that say "Microsoft Internet Explorer provided by...") might cause you difficulty with CengageNOWv2.

If you normally use a custom browser, there's an easy solution: Keep your current browser and ISP, but download and install a second browser for use with CengageNOWv2. Refer to the sections on Windows system requirements for information on the supported browsers for your system.

If prompted with Make this your default browser? while installing your choice of second browser, answer No. Once it's installed, you connect to the internet in your usual manner, but you will need to switch to the second browser when accessing CengageNOWv2.

For example: If you're an AOL user, don't use AOL or one of its custom "lite" browser versions for CengageNOWv2. Instead, download and install the full version of one of the supported browsers for your system. After that, you can continue connecting to the internet with AOL as usual. When you are ready to use CengageNOWv2, you simply minimize the AOL browser and start your alternate browser to log into your CNOWv2 account.


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