Answering Questions > Common CengageNOWv2 Question Types > Working with Blank Sheet of Paper Questions

Working with Blank Sheet of Paper Questions

The Blank Sheet of Paper (BSOP) problem type prepares you for written Accounting exams by offering a format duplicating manually preparing Accounting forms. This improved format helps close the gap between what you learn from online homework vs. the style of questions you encounter when taking in-class, written exams. During your CNOWv2 assignment take, entries can be made in any order without being marked incorrect.

BSOP items utilize a moveable, multi-pane design that allows each component (e.g. instructions, journals, statements, etc.) to open in separate panels. You can arrange the panels so that all the elements of a problem are on one screen, which helps you to reduce scrolling and assists in the process of completing the problem.

Blank Sheet of Paper questions include the following options:

Below are some of the features you may encounter when working with a BSOP question.

Looks like this...

Navigate between questions by clicking a question name in the navigation column to the left of the page. The selected item is highlighted.

Click on the arrow icon to collapse or expand the navigation column.

You can work on questions in any order.

When your instructor allows it, icons appearing in this column display the question's status:



partially correct

needs instructor grading

When your instructor allows it, click Check My Work to receive instant feedback on your current entries.

Start by reading the Instruction panel carefully.

This panel provides key information for correctly filling out the forms required for your question.

Click the appropriate button in the panel display bar to open a specific panel.

Hovering your mouse over the bar expands it to display buttons for additional panels (when available).

The active panels are indicated by darkened buttons.

Arrange the panels on your work screen by clicking the buttons for cascading, tiled horizontally, or stacked horizontally at full screen.

When using a mobile device, your best display option is stacked horizontally

Click the red circle in the upper right corner to close a panel.

The panel display must be set to Cascading for the close button to appear.

Open a pop-up glossary window by clicking linked terms and phrases. Click again, anywhere on the screen to close the glossary window.

When available, open the Labels and Amount Descriptions panel provides you with information necessary for setting up your forms.

When you are completely finished, click Submit Assignment for Grading. This action uses one of your takes. Some assignments permit only one take.

When your assignment permits it, you may also resume your assignment later by clicking Save and Exit.

How to maximize workspace when working with a multi-panel view question.


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